Thank you for your business in 2024.

We are taking a small break until the new year.

Feel Free to place an order, however, be aware that it will not be processed until 02.01.25

Please also note that we will be increasing our prices for the first time in 5 years. It has now become unavoidable. Thank you for your understanding.

You can now order your tickets stapled or unstapled.

When ordering tickets for your event, we've given you the choice of having them delivered in stapled ticket books, or unstapled. Whichever you choose each ticket will be numbered individually, or with a custom seating plan. (custom seating plans incur an extra charge.

Unstable Tickets.

If you decide to choose unstapled, your tickets will be stacked into stacks of 50 tickets, protected by a card back and front and held together securly using elastic bands.

Choosing unstapled means you tickets will be neater when giving them to your event attendees. It also means you can use your tickets as 3 part tickets.

Stapled Tickets

If you decide to choose stapled, your tickets will be sent to you stapled in books of 25, with card backs to keep your tickets in good condition. Usually, when buying stapled book, you would tear the ticket out of the book, leaving the outer stub remaining, resulting in a 2 part ticket to give to your attendees.

tickets stapled books just the ticket

Ticket Printing for all Events
© 2024 Just The Ticket • All Rights Reserved | Online ticket printers based in the UK

EVENT TICKETS LTD Registered in the UK
